Grow Melia dubia 09847237678

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Malabar Neem (Melia dubia) is a tropical deciduous tree that grows up to 20 meters height.

The tree is one of the fast growing species. And also known as Malavepu in Kerala.

It can be harvested early i.e. within 3-4 years for plywood, match sticks and paper industry.

Long term harvest after 6-9 years the tree matures and becomes hard wood and ensures good quality timber.

Intercrops, like groundnut, green gram and black gram could be raised within the inter space in the first year of planting.
The tree will grow erect with a single trunk up to 3 meter (10 ft.) height or more without branching.

First dig out a pit of 60 cm cube (2 ft. cube).
Leave space either 2 x 2 meter (10 x 10 ft.), 4,5 x 4,5 meter (15 x 15 ft.) or 6 x 6 meter (20 x 20 ft.) between the pits (1000 seedlings per 0.4 ha for paper industry or 110 seedlings for timber purpose).
Dug pits manually by using a hand-hoe or mechanically by using an augur mounted on a tractor.
Fill the pits with red soil, fine sand and well decomposed manure.
Plant the seedlings at the center upright and make sure to press the soil well around the seedling base.

Author: go4Herbs_Trees

Medicinal and herbal Plants Nursery

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